Year 1969 Class Reunion (1969-2004):
This photo is from the 2005 reunion of the 1970 class in Aber – they stayed in Llety Parc, and...
Some news of class members. News of others would be welcome. Jody Ballard After a PGCE at Cardiff, and teaching,...
(reproduced from Geoscientist for April 2005) “Glyn Parry Jones was born near Wrexham and studied geology at Aberystwyth said Dr...
This is now being rearranged for May 2005: exact dates not yet finalised. The rocks and scenery The geology ranges...
Alwyn Williams died peacefully of cancer on 4th April at Glasgow, aged 82. This obituary was posted by Norman McLeod...
25th Anniversary Reunion 11 – 13 July 2003 of the 1978 Honours/Joint Honours Geology Group Graduation Let’s put it this...
Sixteen people attended the weekend, enjoying two days in the field in glorious weather. On Saturday we spent the morning...
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