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Aber Geologists

Year 1969 Class Reunion (1969-2004):

Year 1970 Class Reunion:

Year 1970 Class Reunion:

This photo is from the 2005 reunion of the 1970 class in Aber – they stayed in Llety Parc, and...

Aber Geologists

Year 2000 Class news:

Some news of class members. News of others would be welcome. Jody Ballard After a PGCE at Cardiff, and teaching,...

Whitaker Medal of the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society:

Whitaker Medal of the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society:

(reproduced from Geoscientist for April 2005) “Glyn Parry Jones was born near Wrexham and studied geology at Aberystwyth said Dr...

Aber Geologists

Spanish Field Trip:

This is now being rearranged for May 2005: exact dates not yet finalised. The rocks and scenery The geology ranges...

Aber Geologists

Sir Alwyn Williams:

Alwyn Williams died peacefully of cancer on 4th April at Glasgow, aged 82. This obituary was posted by Norman McLeod...

25th Anniversary Reunion:

25th Anniversary Reunion:

25th Anniversary Reunion 11 – 13 July 2003 of the 1978 Honours/Joint Honours Geology Group Graduation Let’s put it this...

Field Weekend September 2003:

Field Weekend September 2003:

Sixteen people attended the weekend, enjoying two days in the field in glorious weather. On Saturday we spent the morning...